Ladies and gentlemen, fans of The Vault and people who accidentally landed here when googling the phrase "women in spandex," welcome to an extra special landmark blogging event, The Batman Awards. No, Bruce Wayne himself will not be presenting me with a gold statue; rather, The Batman Awards mark the first Vault post created by a guest writer. That esteemed guest? None other than former Marvel Bullpen stalwart Rob Lettrick.
So what are The Batman Awards exactly? Simply put, they're Rob's ranking of pretty much everything Bat-related, from both film and comics: with a whopping 30 categories, The Batman Awards put lesser awards ceremonies like the Oscars to shame and make the Emmys look like a bunch of damn pikers. All of these awards are accompanied by video clips or relevant artwork, so by all means, feel free to click away to get an in-depth look into the recess of The Bat Cav... er, I mean, Rob's mind.
Without further ado, then, here's Mr. Lettrick with the first ever Batman Awards!
Best Batman – Michael Keaton
Best Joker -- Jack Nicholson
Best Robin – Burt Ward
Best Catwoman – Ertha Kitt
Best Two Face – Aaron Eckhart
Best Penguin – Burgess Meredith
Best Riddler – Frank Gorshin
Best Batmobile – The Tumbler
Best Alfred – Michael Caine
Best Commissioner Gordon – Tie (Gary Oldman and Batman Year One version)

Best Batman artist – Neal Adams
Best Batman writer – Frank Miller
Best Ally – Green Arrow (Dark Knight Returns graphic novel)
Best Enemy – Superman (Dark Knight Returns graphic novel)
Best Batgirl – Yvonne Craig
Best Batman Toy – Batman Exploding Bridge Playset
Best Arkham Asylum – Grant Morrison/Dave McKean’s Arkham Asylum graphic novel
Best Gotham – No Man’s Land (storyline that ran through multiple Batman titles in 1999 in which Gotham was hit by a 7.6 Earthquake)
Holy $&%# Batman! Worst Batman related junk – three way tie: 1) Batman partakes in the network television show Superhero Roast (Adam West actually showed up for this.) 2) Christian Bale’s Batvoice 3) The Batfro Dishonorable Mention: whatever this is.
Best fan-made film – Batman versus Aliens versus Predator
Best Batman rip off – The Confessor (Kurt Busiek’s Astro City)
Worst Batman rip off – George Clooney in Batman and Robin
Best Batman Video Game – Lego Batman
Best “Oh, crap, what did I get myself into” moment - Vs. Hulk
Best romantic interest - Wonder Woman (yep, they dated)
Best group affiliation – Justice League (Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire version)

Most satisfying moment for Batman readers - Batman knocks out Green Lantern Guy Gardner with one punch
Definitive BATMAN – Alex Ross/Mark Waid’s Kingdome Come version
Definitive JOKER – Alan Moore and Brian Bolland’s The Killing Joke version
Thanks Rob. Now, let the arguments begin!
Come now, Mark Hamill's Joker has to warrant mention somewhere. His laugh was just pure evil fun.
Mark Hamill played the Joker at some point, EVER? I freaking give up. I think all of you are a bunch of jokers. P.S. Once again, I agree with Rob on everything, especially the Commissioner Gordon tie. Outstanding. (of all the references I could understand, that is.)
I'm sorry...but I thought Heath Ledger was the best Joker. Absolutely insane.
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