Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Patriots' Day

Today, as all Americans no doubt know, is Patriots' Day, the holiday whereby we remember and celebrate the beginning of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775. Of course, most of the nation doesn't have the pleasure of actually celebrating Patriots' Day, as it's only an official holiday in Maine and Massachusetts (plus, school kids observe it in Wisconsin. You go, Wisconsin!). That's too bad, because it's one of the best holidays of the year up in New England, with re-enactments on Lexington green at the crack of ass being followed by the Boston Marathon, an 11 AM Red Sox game and, weather permitting, the first cookouts of the year.

In celebration of Patriots' Day, then, I though I'd share one of the many patriotic images contained in the official Marvel Bi-centennial calendar from 1976. My scanner wasn't quite big enough to fit the whole image in, but here's the Sentinel of Liberty himself flanked by two Minutemen, all ready to guard the Declaration of Independence (click on it to see it in all its old glory).

Happy Patriots' Day, everyone!

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